Inspired by the life of Pierdante Piccioni, who suffered from retrograde amnesia due to a car accident and forgot the last 12 years of his life, this FOX series follows a similar premise. In the show, the blunt and tough Dr. Amy Larson (played by Molly Parker) loses 8 years of her memory after a car crash. During those lost years, her life underwent seismic changes, and now she must grapple with the pain of forgotten experiences while attempting to mend both her memory and the mistakes she made along the way.
One of the series' key strengths lies in Molly Parker’s performance. From the pilot episode, her portrayal is compelling, but it’s uncertain whether she has the gravitas to carry the show in the long run. The emotional complexity of the role is evident: she convincingly embodies a loathsome, high-and-mighty chief in the beginning, yet her raw vulnerability post-amnesia is still untested. Whether the audience can accept this transformation, especially for a character initially framed as unlikable, remains to be seen. After all, not everyone enjoys seeing a villain’s redemption arc. That said, there’s undeniable satisfaction in watching someone with overwhelming talent and charm force former detractors to eat their words—a dynamic this series hints at exploring.
By the end of the pilot, the focus seems to shift away from Amy’s inner journey to a more convoluted set of external conflicts. Amy needs to navigate the fallout of her ex-husband’s new family, the confusion between her and her previous new romantic relationship, and the power struggle with a self-important interim chief whose motives are unclear. While these elements are undoubtedly attention-grabbing, they risk dragging the show into the realm of generic medical dramas, cluttered with melodrama and soap-opera tropes.